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Question 2 Brian and Gordon are brothers. People meeting them for the first time usually think Gordon is much the nicest. He's good looking, he's friendly and talks well. Later, they begin to notice he is rather spoilt. Then, they realize what a...
Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 98/100
[DOWNLOAD] Summarizing Test Answers
The adult finds this period exhausting but he should not try to check the activities, unless they are dangerous, as the child is establishing the habit of learning. A Curiosity in children should be encouraged as it creates a learning habit. B...
Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Category - Summarize Written Text
B The piano is Jane's favourite instrument, although she is fond of violin concertos. C Jane thought the concert was wonderful and especially the violin concerto. D Except for the violin concerto, Jane didn't really enjoy the concert. E Not much of Jane's favorite music was included in the program. Question 5 Everyone I've talked to recently admits that Mr. Burton was not a very good manager. Now that Mr. Carr is in charge of the company, most people are expecting things to improve; he really is a natural leader, and liked and respected by everyone. A It is generally agreed that Mr. Carr will manage the company much better than Mr.
Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
Burton did. Carr didn't like the way Mr. Burton managed the company. Burton was not popular, but under his management everything ran smoothly. Carr may be a good manager but nobody wanted Mr. Burton to leave. E Most people think Mr. Carr will introduce few changes Question 6 Most people don't realize that Paul and Mark are brothers. Paul is tall and fair, and interested in all types of sport. Mark, who is short and dark-haired, is studying Math at the university.
Found: 26 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
Summarizing Nonfiction Worksheets 4th Grade
Math is his only hobby too. A Brothers don't often have much in common. B Though brothers, Paul and Mark are very different in appearance and in interests. C Paul isn't nearly as clever as his brother Mark. D Paul wishes his brother were a better sportsman. E Paul and Mark are brothers but they disagree on various matters Question 7 Patrick didn't even ask his father if he could go to Barcelona for the weekend with Erick. He knew it would cost too much.
Found: 3 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
But he didn't want to mention it to Erick. So, next day, he said simply "Father won't let me. B Patrick's father didn't want Patrick to go to Barcelona with Erick. C Erick asked his father if he could take Patrick to Barcelona for the weekend. D Patrick went to Barcelona for the weekend without asking his father if he could.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
E Patrick didn't want Erick to know that he couldn't afford to go to Barcelona for the weekend. Question 8 John is only 16 years old. Everyone else on the team is either 17 or Even so, he's a much-valued member of the team. In fact, some people think he's the best player the team has. A When John is 17 or 1 8 he will probably be the best player on the team. B John joined the team when he was 16 but most people are at least 17 years old. C John is the youngest member of the team and also one of the best players. D John is one of the best players the team has had for 17 or 18 years.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
Summarizing Questions - All Grades
B Leroy was delighted with the exhibition, especially with some of the portraits. C Except for one portrait, Leroy thought the exhibition was very poor. D Leroy is very interested in paintings, especially in portraits of old people. E At the exhibition, Leroy was disappointed to find that almost all the portraits were of old people. Question 10 Whenever I need something, the first place I go to is Dawson's store. There they sell just about everything. You can buy clothes there, things for the house and for the garden, and also sports equipment; They stock a wide variety of goods. Everything is good quality, and the prices are reasonable. A Most people can't afford to go to Dawson's. B You can't find everything you need in Dawson's. C In my opinion, Dawson's is an excellent store and not too expensive. D Dawson's is famous for its goods but prices are high. E The rich and the famous all shop at Dawson's. Question 11 People who have never been in an aeroplane usually think that flying must be fun.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
Try Summarizing Tool And Get Amazing Results
Perhaps it is, the first time you fly. But few people who have flown a lot really enjoy flying. Most of the time you are in the air, there is nothing to see but clouds, and waiting around in an airport is the most boring experience. A Flying is not as interesting as people who haven't flown think. B A lot of people won't fly because they think it is dangerous. C Airports are very boring places. D Travelling by air is one of the least popular ways of travelling.
Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Best Tips On Text Summarization
Answer choices Scientists had believed for centuries that meteorite activity influenced evolution on Earth. The site of the large meteorite impact at the end of the Cretaceous period was identified in There have also been large meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon, leaving craters like Tycho. Large meteorite impacts, such as one at the end of the Cretaceous period, can seriously affect climate, ecological niches, plants, and animals. Meteorite impacts can be advantageous for some species, which thrive, and disastrous for other species, which become extinct. Michael: Now let's look at each of the answer choices to see which three are correct. Answer 1 isn't supported by any of the information in the passage, so we know that this one is not correct.
Found: 28 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
Summarizing Worksheets And Activities
On-screen: [first answer option is highlighted]Scientists had believed for centuries that meteorite activity influenced evolution on Earth. So this one is probably not correct, but let's look at the others to make sure. On-screen: [second answer option is highlighted]The site of the large meteorite impact at the end of the Cretaceous period was identified in However, the topic of meteorite activity on the moon is not a focus of this passage. On-screen: [third answer option is highlighted] There have also been large meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon, leaving craters like Tycho. This is supported by information given in paragraphs 2 and 3. The best-documented such impact took place 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period of geological history. This break in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
GRE Verbal : Summarizing And Describing Passage Content In Single-Answer Questions
While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs. For tens of millions of years, those great creatures had flourished. Then, suddenly, they disappeared. The body that impacted Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period was a meteorite with a mass of more than a trillion tons and a diameter of at least 10 kilometers.
Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
Reading Test Prep: Summarizing, Without The Headaches!
Scientists first identified this impact in from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact. This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth. Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this component of meteorites is easily identified.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
The crater, now deeply buried in sediment, was originally about kilometers in diameter. Michael: Answer 5 is about the effects of meteorite impacts, which is an important idea of the passage. We can see this in paragraph 4, where it talks about the mass destruction from the cold, darkness and fires. And in paragraph 5 where it talks about the catastrophic results. On-screen: [fifth answer option is highlighted] Large meteorite impacts, such as one at the end of the Cretaceous period, can seriously affect climate, ecological niches, plants, and animals. The explosion lifted about trillion tons of dust into the atmosphere, as can be determined by measuring the thickness of the sediment layer formed when this dust settled to the surface.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
Such a quantity of material would have blocked the sunlight completely from reaching the surface, plunging Earth into a period of cold and darkness that lasted at least several months. The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth, starting widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial forests and grassland. Presumably, those environmental disasters could have been responsible for the mass extinction, including the death of the dinosaurs. Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event. But even without such specific documentation, it is clear that impacts of this size do occur and that their results can be catastrophic.
Found: 22 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
What is a catastrophe for one group of living things, however, may create opportunities for another group. Following each mass extinction, there is a sudden evolutionary burst as new species develop to fill the ecological niches opened by the event. According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species may be due to such impacts. Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution. The standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and adapting to slowly changing environments. Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts. Michael: So for this question, answers 4, 5 and 6 are the correct three choices. On-screen: [answer options 4, 5 and 6 move to the selected bulleted spots] Skill building tips — Creating Outlines Michael: You can work to improve your reading skills by creating your own outlines or charts when you read a passage.
Found: 5 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
How To Write A Summary, Analysis, And Response Essay Paper With Examples
Pick a chart format that is helpful for you, like one of these… …and as you read, identify the main ideas and supporting details. As you practice more, you will be able to take fewer notes to outline the points. On-screen: [displays different outline forms] Chart 1: Spider map.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
Quoting, Paraphrasing And Summarizing - ProProfs Quiz
There are so many different services, how are you supposed to know which converter is going to provide the needed results? You could spend hours searching for websites and reading reviews or you could stop racking your brain and wasting time. We have a specialized team who devotes personal attention to each assignment we receive and if you need the best summarizing tool, this is the one to use. We have the absolute summary tool. Simple to use and easy to get started, our customers keep coming back to the summary tools. Sometimes you just want something very simple which could make a brief description of an essay for you.
Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
PCAP - Programming Essentials In Python Quizzes Summary Test 2 Answers - PuCourse
Just type in the paragraph and you would be issued a brief version. This is great when you have to write a larger piece but are struggling with only a portion of the article. Well, the short answer is even a summarize tool in the market could have its limitations. When it comes to summing up a document, an online tool may not be the best answer. However, you should know there is an easy solution to the arising problems. A professional writer would assist you to nail down any given text. And, they would also proofread and edit a paper to make sure it is ready to print. What else could you ask for? Thanks to our team we could offer a wide range of services. Within this service, we could outline any academic paper you may need. As part of our services, we may also assist you with generalizing, in case you need to summarize website tool; a business service, for any business paper you may need to present.
Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Passages Test Question Answers
For this service, we count with professional business writers to support you match the tone of voice. Another specialized area we may help you with is medical combining. You should be sure they deliver a flawless document. Our team could beat any of the summarizing tools. Our online software may handle a variety of material at various levels. With our professional service you get: Coherent meaning.
Found: 3 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Summarizing Review | Literature Quiz - Quizizz
Examples from real test papers Explanation of this question type First, I want to be sure that you understand what a summary is. For summary completion questions, you will be given: 1 The text. You may also be given a list of words to fill the gaps with. You will be required to do one of the following tasks: a Fill in the gaps with words from the word list or b Fill in the gaps with words from the text.
Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Here are two sets of instructions from the official IELTS website to illustrate the two different forms of summary completion questions. Scan the text for specific information. Identify key words. Use context to make predictions. Key tips 1 Vocabulary — Summary completion questions are all about vocabulary. You need to be able to recognise a wide range of synonyms and also paraphrasing to score highly. If you write more than this, your answer will be marked wrong even if the information is correct. Your task is to select the correct ones. There will probably be some words in the list that you can eliminate immediately as clearly being incorrect. This could be because of their meaning or their grammar form. Is it an adjective, a noun, a verb, etc? This will probably be the word you need or a synonym of it.
Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
Summarizing - How To Write A Summary - Flocabulary
Focus on getting the easier marks and come back to it later if you have time. The Strategy 1 Carefully read the instructions taking particular note of where you should get the missing words from — a word list or the text. You may be able to narrow it down to 2 or 3. There will be others that will obviously be wrong. Your next job is to identify this. Pick out a few key words from the summary to scan for. Names, numbers, places or dates are ideal if there are any in the summary as these will be easy to spot.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
Remember that synonyms could be used. Try to work out what form of word will fit, e. You may even be able to predict the missing word itself or a synonym. Before checking the answers, see if you can fill in the gaps in the summary following the steps in the strategy. This text is just a small portion of the whole text used in this real exam paper. In your exam, you will be working with a much longer text. I already have the section of text that has been summarised so I get straight down to locating the first missing word at step 6. You'll have a chance to work through them in other practice questions on the website. On reading the sentence in the summary, I can tell that the answer will be a noun because it's going to be a type of feeling. Consumers often complain that they experience a feeling of From the context of the sentence, I can even make an educated guess as to what the missing word is. I select do-it-yourself products as the key word phrase to scan the text for.
Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Summarizing | Classroom Strategies | Reading Rockets
I find it in the very first sentence. I then read the whole sentence in detail and confirm that the answer is, indeed, frustration. The instructions accompanying do-it-yourself products are regularly cited as a source of unnecessary expense or frustration. I fill in my answer and, before moving on, read the sentence to double-check that it is grammatically correct. Answer 1: frustration 2 The second answer comes in the same sentence in the summary as the first. I re-read the sentence and choose key words in the final phrase to help me locate the matching information. Consumers often complain that they experience a feeling of 1 frustration when trying to put together do-it-yourself products which have not been tested by companies on a 2 ………….
Found: 25 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
I read the sentence in detail to check if the information matches. Few companies seem to test their instructions by having them followed by a first-time user. It does. I now just need to find the words that tell me who the product has not been tested on. I have my second answer. In situations where not keeping to the correct procedures could affect safety issues, it is especially important that I scan the text. Often, essential information is omitted, steps in the construction process are taken for granted, and some degree of special knowledge is assumed. The answer is obviously going to be the adjective associated with it which comes right before it. Answer 3: essential 4 The next gap is in the second half of the same sentence.
Found: 7 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
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