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You can search based on author or subject as well as title. Accelerated Reader Tests and Quizzes The goal of Accelerated Reader is to have students read for 35 minutes in the classroom each day and retain at least 90 percent of what they read. The...
Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 98/100
[DOWNLOAD] The Things They Carried Test Answer Key
Types of quizzes include reading practice quizzes, which focus on comprehending content; quizzes for early readers, which cover early reader titles and are paired with voice-recorded quizzes; literacy skills quizzes and practice activities, which...
Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 97/100
It was O'Brien's fourth day in the war. He felt sick. Jensen urged O'Brien to go shake the dead man's hand, but O'Brien kept refusing. He felt sick for the rest of the day, not so much from seeing the body but the "act of greeting the dead. In the afternoon, Kiowa approached O'Brien and told O'Brien he did a good thing by not shaking the dead man's hand: "it took guts. Kiowa says that was probably O'Brien's first time seeing a dead body. O'Brien shakes his head, because he'd spent the day thinking of Linda.
Found: 4 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
The Things They Carried Discussion Questions
The soldiers feel the need to shake the dead man's hand to make death not seem quite as "real. They propose toasts, and O'Brien compares it to a kind of funeral without the sadness because even though there is a kind of mockery in the soldiers' behavior, it's not entirely disrespectful. Kiowa collapses the distinction between being afraid and "having guts" because he knows after being in Vietnam for longer than O'Brien they come down to being the same thing: it's the actions that come out of fear that result in heroism. For O'Brien though, he can only think of Linda when he sees the dead body, because hers was the first dead body he ever saw.
Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Reading Comprehension Sample Questions
Active Themes O'Brien and Linda were both nine and they loved each other. As O'Brien looks back it can be tempting to try to dismiss it as childish, but he thinks it was true, mature love. In the spring of , O'Brien took her out on the first date of his life. O'Brien's father drove them. She was wearing a new red cap, a stocking cap, which seemed stylish and sophisticated to O'Brien. It had a white tassel at the too-long tip. O'Brien wanted to compliment her and said something nice about her cap. Linda smiled, but O'Brien's mother turned to him from the front passenger seat and gave him a troubling look. They got to the movie theater and started looking at the concessions. They avoided eye contact, which O'Brien says is how they knew they were in love—"it was pure knowing," though neither would have thought to use the word love. The look O'Brien's mother gives him makes it clear that O'Brien's mother knew about Linda's condition before he did.
Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
The Things They Carried Final Test Answer Key
This story about Ted Lavender is an example of how the dead return and live on in story form. The soldiers used Lavender's "mellowed" out attitude after he was shot to bring him into the present again. Lavender was still very much alive to them as they stood there talking to his corpse, and answering, as he would have. All of the soldiers find solace in this conversation they have with Lavender after he's died—in a way that parallels the old man that was dead by the pigpen by pretending it's not entirely real. Download O'Brien can still see Linda's silhouette in the theater. O'Brien remembers looking at Linda and thinking it was too grotesque for her, but she seemed to be smiling and O'Brien couldn't understand why.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
O'Brien had to cover his eyes a few times, and he hated to think of the heavy thump of the body hitting the water. He was relieved when the film was over. O'Brien as a boy cannot stand the sound of the heavy thump of the body hitting the water, and that's the same shock he and the other soldiers experience in Vietnam when someone dies. Linda smiling is an acceptance of her own imminent death. Active Themes In the next few weeks, Linda wore her new cap to school every day, never taking it off.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
The Things They Carried Quiz 1
She started to get teased by a boy named Nick Veenhof. He kept trying to sneak up to her and yank off her cap on the playground. O'Brien wanted to do something but it wasn't possible: "I had my reputation to think about. I had my pride. So O'Brien watched Linda deal with Veenhof and hold her cap close to her head. She smiled in Veenhof's direction "as if none of it really mattered. Linda's smile that signals none of it really mattered shows she knows her death is coming, and the jokes and bullying can't hurt her. Active Themes It mattered to O'Brien then and it still does, though. He regrets not intervening, and doesn't think he had any excuse not to. These decisions don't get easier as you age, and he reckons it would have been helpful to have displayed some bravery as a kid when he was faced with even harder choices in Vietnam. O'Brien's regret isn't just to Linda, but to his growth as a man who wished he had acted with more courage while he was younger to prepare himself for his experiences as a soldier in Vietnam.
Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
The Things They Carried Short Answer Test - Answer Key
Active Themes One afternoon in the spring the class was taking a spelling test and halfway through Veenhof raised his hand to use the pencil sharpener. The teacher allowed him to get up, but told him to be quick. As he returned to his seat, he didn't go the straightforward way, but headed for Linda's desk. When he was passing her desk, he grabbed the tassel and took off her cap. Linda didn't move and O'Brien thinks someone must have laughed.
Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
MCAS Student Work/Scoring Guides
He remembers how she wasn't completely bald, there was a big bandage at the back of her head covering stitches, and then gauze taped to her left ear. Veenhof stepped back, still smiling, but "the smile was doing strange things. He felt that they had an entire conversation in the moment: "Well? After school, O'Brien and Veenhof walked Linda home.
Found: 9 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Veenhof clearly feels guilty for what he's done to Linda after he sees that the cap has been covering up the fact that she has a brain tumor, which is shown in his reaction the smile "doing strange things" and how he walked her home later that day with O'Brien. When Linda looks at O'Brien after the cap has been pulled of he feels they had an entire conversation that questioned whether he still loved her, in spite of her illness. She's asking, well what do you think of me now? His "Sure, okay. But he hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that she will die. Active Themes O'Brien says it's as he writes this and he's forty-three. Looking at photographs of himself in he sees the ways he hasn't changed: then Timmy, now Tim. He doesn't let his clothes fool him, he knows the eyes are the same and behind them is something unchanging about himself because "the human life is all one thing:" a kid, a soldier, a writer.
Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
As a writer, now, O'Brien wants to save Linda's life, not her body. O'Brien believes that in all of us there is a kernel of the self that never changes, and one that he can detect when looking at old photographs of himself. All of life is, and always has been, bundled up into one thing. As a writer, his goal is to save Linda's life through stories. Active Themes Linda died when she was nine years old from a brain tumor. In a story, though, O'Brien can have her soul and bring the parts of her back that are permanent. O'Brien notes that he knew she was ill and perhaps even dying, but because he loved her so much he couldn't believe it.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
The Things They Carried Lesson Plan
On a September afternoon on the playground Nick Veenhof approached O'Brien and told him he just learned that Linda had died. O'Brien walked home from school without telling anyone. O'Brien initially denies to himself the fact that Linda is dying, up until the point that she does die. But with stories, O'Brien discovers that he can keep Linda alive and bring back that kernel of her life that is permanent. He can talk to her and she can talk back in this invented world between the two of them.
Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
The Things They Carried Multiple Choice Test Answer Key
Active Themes He lay down on the sofa and tried to imagine what it was like to be dead. He whispered her name over and over, and eventually he "willed her alive. Then O'Brien started to cry and Linda approached him, sitting on the curb on Main Street, and asked why he was upset. He told her she was dead. Linda nodded and smiled in a secretive way, like she knew things no one else could, and she touched O'Brien's wrist and said, "Timmy, stop crying. It doesn't matter.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
The Things They Carried Essay Questions
By the force of will, O'Brien could bring Linda back via his imagination. When she consoles him by saying it doesn't matter that she's dead, she and O'Brien are saying that physical death doesn't mean true death. She still lives in his memory, and now in his stories. Active Themes In Vietnam there were ways the soldiers had of making the dead not seem so dead, like shaking their hands.
Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
The Things They Carried Essays | Bartleby
Plot summaries[ edit ] "The Things They Carried" Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, the leader of a platoon of soldiers in Vietnam, carries physical reminders of Martha, the object of his unrequited love. Thoughts of Martha often distract Lieutenant Cross from his team's objectives. A death in the squad under his supervision causes Cross to reconsider his priorities; as he was heartbroken, he burns and throws away all reminders of Martha in order to focus on the mission and avoid distractions. O'Brien asks if he can write a story about Cross, expressing his memories and hopes for the future; Cross agrees, thinking that perhaps Martha will read it and come find him. It includes moments of camaraderie and beauty: a joke of a hate letter to the Draft Board; learning a rain dance between battles. He is reluctant to go to war and considers fleeing the draft; he begins to travel north to the Canada—US border on the Rainy River.
Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
The Things They Carried Short Answer Test - Answer Key |
Near the border, he encounters an elderly stranger who allows him to work through his internal struggle. O'Brien is given the opportunity to escape; however, the societal pressures are too much for him. He goes to war ashamed with his inability to face the consequences of leaving. At first regularly antagonized by one another, the two are drawn toward respect and friendship by the stress and horrors of warfare. Ultimately, they agree that if one should be wounded, the other must deal a fatal blow as a form of mercy. Anything can be faked He concludes that, in the end, the truth of a story doesn't matter so much as what the story is trying to say. Lemon, who is afraid of dentists, faints before the dentist can examine him. Later that night, however, he complains of a phantom tooth ache so severe a tooth is pulled - even though it's perfectly healthy.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
The Things They Carried Essays
Lemon has felt he needs to prove himself in front of his men and be the fearless man all soldiers are supposed to be. The area is so isolated that one of the soldiers flies his hometown girlfriend in by helicopter. At first, she cooks, cleans, and tends to the soldiers' wounds Even when the girlfriend breaks things off, he keeps the stockings around his neck, as their powers have been demonstrated.
Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
The Things They Carried Quotes And Analysis
The men discuss their relationships with churches, and for the most part, appreciate the interaction with other people and the peace of the building. Henry Dobbins wants to become a priest, but decides otherwise. He makes up a life story for the man, torturing himself with the idea that the victim had been a gentle soul. He then tells the story of an ambush outside My Khe, in which O'Brien kills a young man who may or may not have wanted to harm him. Later, Azar mocks the girl, and Dobbins rebukes him.
Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
The Things They Carried Discussion Questions | Chicago Public Library
His former girlfriend has married someone else, his closest friends are dead. He reflects on the medals he won in Vietnam, and imagines telling his father about both these and the medals he did not win. Ultimately, although he has no one to share these memories with, he finds catharsis in imagined conversations. O'Brien muses over the suspicion that, without Harvard and writing, he too might have lost the will to live after returning from Vietnam.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
The Things They Carried :
He writes to Kiowa's father while the others search for the body - as usual, Azar jokes around at first. Another soldier also feels responsible for the death, as he did not save Kiowa; the story ends with the body being found in the mud, and both soldiers left to their guilt. He says that his story about killing a man on the trail outside My Khe was fabricated, but he wanted to provoke the same feelings in the reader that he felt during the war. The field looks different from his memory of it, but he leaves a pair of Kiowa's moccasins in the spot where he believes Kiowa sank.
Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
The Things They Carried Lesson Plan | Final Paper And Exam: Final Exam Answer Key | GradeSaver
In this way, he comes to terms with his friend's death. The first time, he is treated by Rat Kiley, and is impressed with the man's courage and skill. The second time, he is treated by Kiley's replacement, Bobby Jorgenson; Jorgenson is incompetent, and nearly kills O'Brien. Furious, O'Brien promises revenge, but can recruit only Azar. They scare Jorgenson by pretending to be enemy soldiers, but the soldier proves that he is not a coward, so O'Brien lets go of his resentment.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Kiley reacts by distancing himself, the stress causing him first to be silent for days on end, and then to talk constantly. He has a breakdown from the pressure of being a medic, and shoots himself in the toe in order to get released from combat. No one questions his bravery. Suffering from a brain tumor, Linda died at the age of nine and O'Brien was deeply affected by her funeral. In Vietnam, O'Brien explains, the soldiers keep the dead alive by telling stories about them; in this way, he keeps Linda alive by telling her story. Main characters[ edit ] Tim O'Brien The narrator and the protagonist. While modeled after the author and sharing the same name, O'Brien within the book is a fictional character. The author intentionally blurs this distinction. Jimmy Cross The platoon leader, who is obsessed with a young woman back home, Martha who does not return his feelings.
Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
The Things They Carried Study Guide
He later believes that his obsession led to the death of Ted Lavender. Bob "Rat" Kiley A young medic whose exaggerations are complemented by his occasional cruelty. Eventually, he sees too much gore and begins to break down, imagining "the bugs are out to get [him]. When Kiowa slips into the "shitfield", Bowker repeatedly tries to save him but is unable to; as a result, he feels guilty for Kiowa's death after the war. His memories continue to haunt Norman at home as he realizes that the world has moved on from the war, and wants nothing to do with the "hell" in Vietnam. He is continually haunted by the fact that he could not save Kiowa from sinking under the "shitfield" on a rainy night. However, O'Brien admits eventually that Norman did not fail to save Kiowa, that was fictional, and it is implied that O'Brien himself was the one who could not save him. After the war he briefly assists O'Brien in writing a story about Vietnam, but he hangs himself with a jump rope in an Iowa YMCA facility, leaving no note and his family shocked.
Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Cambridge English First 2 Student's Book With Answers
Henry Dobbins Machine gunner. A man who, despite having a rather large frame, is gentle and kind. He is very superstitious ; as a result, he wears his girlfriend's pantyhose around his neck as a protective "charm", even after she dumps him. He briefly contemplates becoming a monk after the war due to their acts of charity. Kiowa A compassionate and talkative soldier; he demonstrates the importance of talking about one's problems and traumatic experiences. He is also a devout Baptist and a Native American that occasionally feels contempt and distrust towards white people. However, he appears to be Tim O'Brien's best friend in the company. Kiowa often helps other soldiers deal with their own actions, such as taking the lives of other human beings.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
The Things They Carried Test - Prestwick House
However, he is also good friend of Rat Kiley. Lemon dies after setting off a rigged artillery shell. In one of the book's more disturbing scenes, O'Brien and Dave Jensen help clear the trees of Curt's scattered remains, during which Jensen sings " Lemon Tree " something that "wakes [Tim] up". After Lemon dies, Kiley writes a long, eloquent letter to Lemon's sister, describing his friendship with Lemon and emphasizing how good a person Lemon was; Lemon's sister never responds, which crushes Kiley emotionally. Azar A young, rather unstable soldier who engages in needless and frequent acts of brutality. In one story, he blows up an orphan puppy that Ted Lavender had adopted by strapping it to a Claymore mine , then detonating it. At one point, Azar breaks down emotionally, revealing that his cruelty is merely a defense mechanism.
Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien - Toward The Examined Life
Jensen fights with Strunk over a stolen jackknife, but they became uneasy friends afterwards. They each sign a pact to kill the other if he is ever faced with a "wheelchair wound". After Strunk steps on a rigged mortar round and loses a leg, he begs Jensen not to kill him. Jensen obliges, but seems to have an enormous weight relieved when he learns "Strunk died somewhere over in Chu Lai". Jensen is sometimes mentioned singing " Lemon Tree " after Curt Lemon's abrupt death. Bobby Jorgenson Rat Kiley's replacement, after Rat "put a round through his foot" due to breaking under pressure. Green and terrified, he is slow to aid O'Brien when he is shot in the behind. Jorgenson nearly kills O'Brien after failing to treat him for shock.
Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
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